Proton.... easily made a "proton" today....
There have been rumours that the offer is not going to be too high because of the amount of money required to keep proton "alive"...think you know what I mean...
Anyway, RM5.60 is not too much neither its too low in my opinion.
Whether there is still room for punters to ride the upside... believe so...
but even if it does not go up tomorrow, think its done many a favour... or perhaps a proton's "senior" executive may want to call a another press conference to say that it may not necessarily requires a GO or say probably proton is still considering the sales... etc..
Well then perhaps the executive forget that people can now sue SC for not doing its job.
How I wish the suit filed by the minority shareholders turned out to be successful... then E&O shareholders will get their justice... :)
My view is its best to sell proton off and take it private to sell off its asset bits by bits.. RM9.48 NTA is too high to offer for any bidders today... the whole company is getting less and less inspiration with their models... despite the recent model "inspira". I wonder big time, how the fcuk did they get feel that the name inspira would fit "Proton Ceplac"would probably be more suitable... more down to earth or perhaps" Proton Walan"...
Does the government know how much it will save the people of this country in terms of disposable income if the car prices are allow to go down should they let proton compete on a fair ground? its impact is enormous to the country's economy... but then again I don't expect the current gov to understand economics afterall, its because of this protective policy that has mold proton to become what it is today. Competition makes people stronger... well I guess, their balls are tied.