Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trade or fade...?

While the PM has just announced a couple of measures attract foreign investment, the impact on stock market is nothing significant to remember by....

questions is everywhere whether now is the time to buy or perhaps wait a little longer for it to consolidate.. I wish someone can tell us that but lets face it, everyone has its own goal and in stock market, the base to trading is the different perception of value among investors.

If everyone share the same opinion, who's gonna buy from or sell to you? Another way of looking at it is, under normal circumstances where do you wanna position yourself?

anyway, back on the stock market in Malaysia its pretty much sad case of lack of liquidity.... had the govenment allow investors to short the market, it would be a different scenario...based on the current situation, I would think its best to sell and re-enter again.... few stocks that is worth stalking are probably, sapcres, ijmland, e&o, leader, genting, genm, uemland, saag, sunway.

In a nut shell, what I'm betting for the next few weeks starting from today is that things are gonna head south... so be prepared.. ;)

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