Monday, March 8, 2010

Only in Malaysia, believe it or not.....

I was having a chat the other day about how the market is going to be and all the forecasting actitivities traders are doing in anticipation of the 1H rally and all of a sudden someone mentioned that AEM is picking up and for any normal people in the street, the movement of this stock last Fri was rather surprising since the termination of the MO with Dah Mah Corp over the LCD purchase.

As usual, such activities are deem unusual and as usual Bursa Malaysia issued its SOP of querying the company for the activities and that's going to be all about what Bursa can do.

Has anyone ever remember seeing anyone indicted in the Malaysian soil for insider trading?

Or has anyone lived long enough to tell us whether such thing has ever happened at all?

Well, not that I can recall.

Either all the business and corporate people in this land of possibility (anything ridiculous is all possible) are really damn ethical and professional or there is no bloody body to regulate and monitor the market.

Afterall, only in this land you see selected foreign immigrants who get into the country (legally or illegally) being given citizenship and granted all the special rights almost immediately.

Well, invest wisely as there is always a reason why the currency of this country is still bloody low compared to other developing countries. Time will come when china overtakes in currency superiority and by then, you'll probably see many flocking to china to make money just like how singapore is gaining at the expense of this country.

Well, don't fucking kid me that the 1malaysia thing will work and stem brain drain because i think its doing the exact opposite of its objective. Subtle but real.