Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Malaysian stock market future? - episode 2

Let's take a look at Malaysia today....

1) Plague by political instability and uncertainty... weak gov...

2) Dragged down by foreign investors who left due to the above reason and the weakening world economy and financial crisis in US...

3) Inconsistency in government policy (ISA - to protect individual?!?)... what if one day, ISA is imposed on foreign funds to prevent them from wiring out cash to their own country? bear in mind anything is possible now that we have a home minister who define ISA according to his bloody own preference... for all you know, the next time we sell stocks during a bear market, we might be charged with ISA for causing the stock market to fall hence a treat to security.

4) Worst still, pm is not able to control his people from misuse of power.

5) dpm is too engross with setting up own spider web.... can't be bordered with the problem faced by the people of this country.

6) a.i from BB is set to go on nation wide tour to spread racist and wrongful teaching to the people.... remember, no ISA was impose on this faggard.... even the army chief and the JIM chief condemns his actions.... yet aab is not doing anything nor the retard in home ministry.

7) possibility of PK takeover... not sure when?? uncertain

Taking into account these points, be it technical nor fundamental analysis, just forget it. Its all about externalysis now.... :D but I think Genting is worth a shot for all the prospects linked to this company.
you should think about it...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beyond rescue...

Being a local leader, ahmad holds huge responsibility towards the people of this country at least to those around his respective area... B)... instead, this so called UMNO chief choose to disgrace, disrespectful, and shame the ruling gov barisan national. He acted like a warlord....UMNO is the leading component of barisan holds the responsibility to show leadership, respect and govern the interest of the minorities in BN. ahmad not only unfit to be a leader, he does not even deserve to be a Malaysian.

If I'm PM, I would sack him and he should be charged for sedition. Which i'm sure he will be guilty and jail will help him to think over his irresponsible actions....This would send a strong message to all people that no one should stoke racial sentiment in this country. Only then Malaysian can leave in peace.